Shipping Policy

Order Processing and Tracking

Please we aware that order processing and verification typically takes 1-2 business days. Expected delivery time is 5-8 business days.
You will receive an email and tracking number once your order is processed.

Changes to Orders

Once an order is placed, we cannot add, remove, or change any items or delivery addresses for that order once shipping process has begun. Please be certain to check and confirm that all your customer information including shipping & delivery address is accurate. 

Incorrect Addresses

In the event that a delivery address is submitted incorrectly when an order is placed, we assume no responsibility and cannot ship a replacement package or refund these orders. If you realize that you submitted an incorrect address (at the time of your order), please email us through our Contact Us page to notify us immediately. We can only correct the address if the order has not been shipped out yet.

Lost or Stolen Packages

We assume no responsibility for lost or stolen packages and cannot ship out any replacement packages or refund these orders. Please take extra precautions as always with any deliveries to insure you physically retrieve and secure your packages once delivered. 

International Shipping (outside of the US) to countries that may require personal ID to be provided to complete the transaction.

Should Paws and Spaces begin shipping internationally, please keep in mind that some countries have specific shipping requirements such as requiring personal ID to complete orders for various reasons.

Reasons for Requiring Personal ID:

  1. To verify the identity of the recipient and prevent fraud.

  2. To ensure proper customs processing and tax collection.

  3. To comply with local regulations regarding import and export.

Instructions for International Customers 

Customers shipping to locations (Counties with such requirements) must insure to enter their personal ID in the "Additional Information" field on the payment page during checkout. 

Countries Requiring Personal IDs

  • Brazil: CPF for individuals, CNPJ for businesses.

  • Italy: Codice fiscale (tax code).

  • Spain: Número de Identificación Fiscal (NIF).

  • China: National ID number.

  • Russia: Passport number or tax identification number.

  • South Korea: Personal Customs Clearance Code (PCCC).

  • Turkey: Turkish Identification Number (T.C. Kimlik No.).